Effortless conversion of raw data into structured data

Our format translator simplifies the process of converting raw data into structured formats such as JSON, XML, CSV, Edifact...

Data transfer from any format to any computer system

With Docloop, you can send your unstructured data to be processed by translating it in any format to the IT system of your choice. Whether you need to integrate your data into an internal system, share it with business partners or send it to management platforms, our translation technology brick lets you do it easily and without any intervention on your part.

A translator to enrich your data

We enable you to enrich the raw data of your various documents by adding any type of information that may be useful to you. For example, we can add the HS code corresponding to the description of the goods to help you prepare your customs declarations.

documents hub ecran by docloop

A reliable partner for your data management

We work with your teams to agree on the information to be extracted, based on what you want to restore in your systems.

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